Team Timeline

It has been one crazy week! I finally got a chance to sit down and update everyone on our team project. We have created a timeline to show our planned bug completions for Drupal. Here is a report detailing our current plans.


Ideally, we would like to resolve all of the bugs listed below by the end of the semester, but the following gantt chart is a more realistic idea, yet still a challenge.



Normal Priority Bugs

Bug 1057592 – Image Field with a default image shows default image even if an image is uploaded (Details here)

Bug 1085472 – Too long comments do not get formatted to fit the width of the screen (Details here)

Bug 1137280 – Image style saves name on add new effect, results in page not found (Details here)

Bug 1144372 – Pictures do not shift when the picture in the middle is removed. The last picture gets duplicated instead. (Details here)

Bug 1431512 – Language switcher links to default 404 page (Details here)

Bug 1439000 – Clearfix “content” value causes gap at page bottom (Details here)

Bug 1438990 – Language detection mistake (Details here)

Bug 1444650 – Make the path argument documentation more clear in theme_image_style for D7 (Details here)

Major or Critical Bugs

Bug 1423158 – Too many failed login attempts user login error/block even after following password reset instructions (Details here)

Feature Requests

Bug 835202 – Checkbox to allow all Class names (Details here)

Bug 1445858 – Highlight Flagged Content (Details here)


So our team definitely has our work cut out for us, but with this plan in place we should be able to get a significant amount done before the final presentations. Updates to come soon!

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